Thursday, April 11, 2019

IOP on Glass, Eyes, and Doll’s Essay Example for Free

IOP on Glass, Eyes, and Dolls EssayImagery vivid descriptive language that appeals to one or more of the senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste). The first apprehension of a person that someone gets will al courses color the see to it of the person. Everything about how someone looks and acts creates how that person is viewed by separates. But when this theatrical role is cookled by some other(a)s or the person just isnt strong large to convey their straightforward(p) self, their identity is twisted into something almost unrecogniz suitable. Henrik Ibsen, Zora Neale Hurston, and Tennessee Williams use the imaginativeness connected with their lead womanish characters to show how ordering tries to regorge individuals down with false generalizations to hide womens identities. The authors use the imagery of habit to address how family members try to m senescent the women below them in power to their image of their character. For the Sternbergs fancy dress lu bber Torvald wants his wife Nora to dress up, and Torvald wants me to go as a Neapolitan fisherman-girl, (Ibsen 37). The Neapolitan fisher girls are girls from Naples, Italy often thought of as possessing a very classic Grecian beauty. These fisher girls swall(a)ow been subjects of many flora of art such as blusherings and statues. With Torvald devising Nora dress up as a Neapolitan fisher girl he is making her into something beautiful and to be appraised comparable a slicing of art. This image of Nora world beautiful like a painting is Torvalds way of putting Nora downstairs him. He dresses her up and parades her among their friends while all the while taking ownership of her beauty. Nora doesnt get to choose what she wears to this ball and she is non recorded saying a word to anyone at the party.Torvald tear down commands Nora to leave the party after(prenominal) she has finished her dance as he doesnt want anyone organism near her. Noras identity is lost in the imag ery of her Neapolitan fisher-girl costume and Torvalds control of her dress. By the same token Janie in Their Eyes Were Watching God is forced to wear leave rags by her husband Joe. The business of the head-rag irked her endlessly. But Jody was set on it. Her hair was NOT going to show in the computer memory, (Hurston 55). The imagery of Janies head-rags suggests that she is Joes property. Janies hair is her personal symbol of power,strength, and identity. Joe by making Janie cover her hair up in head-rags is symbolically stifling Janies power and identity.Without her individuality Janie is goose egg moreover what Joe betrays out of her, which is his wife. And parliamentary law too will only see Janies image as Joe makes her image to be . Laura from The Glass Menagerie is also suffered to a similar fate as Nora and Janie as her mother forces her to wear chest enhancements. Now take a look at yourself. No, wait live just a moment- I have an idea Amanda produces two demolish puffs which she wraps in handkerchiefs and stuffs in Lauras bosom. Mother, what are you doing?Theyre called gay deceivers I wont wear them (Williams 120). Similarly the imagery of the powder puffs implies that Laura is the perfect young woman that Amanda invisions of her. With Amanda putting the powder puffs down Lauras dress she is trying to determine Laura as a perfect young woman. But Laura just is not this perfect girl who everyone loves and adores like Amanda wants to see Laura as. The imagery of Lauras deceivingly good figure signifies that people will perceive her as a perfect young woman.Nora and Janies imagery of the past and their memories is used against them to paint false images of their identities. come out the end of the play, Torvald has just found out of what Nora had done in the past to save him and utters this simple and evocative statement, And I must sink to such miserable depths because of a thoughtless woman (72). With this sentence Torvald is making Nor a seem like a terrible woman who is mindless to any thought of her husband. Even though much earlier in the play Nora tells Mrs.Linde that she only soak uped money so that her husband wouldnt hap from his illness. Torvald just judges Noras image by her actions, not the motives behind her actions. And this paints an entirely false image of Nora as being thoughtless and uncaring about her husband.When in any case Nora was just facial expression out for her husband, being anything but thoughtless and uncaring. The Victorian society Nora lives in is also as fell to someone in her position. It goes without saying that the man is always the one to handle the money and the well being of the family. And by Nora borrowing money by herself she is breaking the rigid gender roles that their society has set in place for women. So society will also look down on Nora as a disgraceful woman because of her past actions. Janie is in a similar situation when coming home from the Everglades is judge d by her neighbors. They passed nations through their mouths.They sat in judgement. Seeing the woman as she was made them remember the envy they had stored up from other times. So they chewed up the back parts of their minds and swallowed with relish, (1-2). The people of Eatonville, especially the women had always been jealous of the worry Janie had gotten from men for her looks. And with the knowledge that Janie had ran off with a younger man in the past the people speak up of Janie as a absurd fool. But they dont know that Janie with all her suffering and comfort that she lived through is incredibly wise. The imagery of Janies actions or more so the memory of her actions, has the people of her companionship believing that Janie is nothing more than a lost old woman, falling for the false love of a young man. Janies individuality as a woman who is wise and has lived through many toughie times is interpreted away from her as Eatonville reduces her to just a love sick woman.Hur ston, Williams, and Ibsen use the imagery of objects to display how people on the outsides of the characters lives perceive them and their individuality. When Jim is over at the Wingfields apartment Laura is telling of how much she loves the unicorn from her field glass menagerie. You see how the light shines through him? I shouldnt be partial but he is my pet one Havent you noticed the single horn on his forehead? (143-144). The imagery of Lauras favorite glass or realisent, the unicorn, represents how people in society see Laura. Like the unicorn which light shines through, Lauras longing and identity is completely see through.Every facet of her personality is easy to see as she is but a incredibly shy and timid girl. Lauras love for the unicorn is because of its peculiarity of the horn that separates him from the other glass horses in her collection. The imagery of this unique glass unicorn represents Lauras own individual separation from other girls. Everyone notices that L aura is uniquely different, like her glass unicorn she loves so much.In the same way as the unicorn describes Laura, the Christmas point in the Helmers home describes Nora. Hide the Christmas tree carefully Helen. Be sure the children do not see it gutter this evening, when it is dressed And what is in this parcel? No no you mustnt see that until this evening, (5 7). The image of the splendid and ruffianly Christmas tree in A Dolls House expresses how Noras identity is seen by the society around her.The Christmas tree serves the function as an ornament in the household and Nora just like the tree is ornamental in the home. She doesnt take care of the children, or have a job, she just decorates and dresses up for the people of the house as well as the visitors. And as a decoration Nora isnt able to voice her own opinion or let her identity shine through the pretty things that accessorize her. Noras identity is unavowed away throughout the play and as the Christmas tree is hid f rom the children, Noras dress is hidden from Torvald so he will not see her. Noras identity is hidden from not only the people she knows but also the ones she is closest to. She is not able to be herself as society shuns Noras true identity, as the loving wife she is that would do anything for her husband, such as borrow money without his consent so he can live.Janie is also in Laura and Noras situation as the people in her community judge her actions and therefore her identity because of her hair. What dat ole forty year ole oman doin wid her hair swingin down her back lak some young gal? (2). Just like the two women in the other pieces of literature, the image of Janies long hair is utilized by Hurston to show how Janies community in Eatonville doesnt recognize Janies true identity. The women on the porch mention that Janie looks like a foolish old woman with her hair all the way down her back like some young woman. The women of Eatonville recover Janie is trying to be like a you ng woman as she has run off with a young man and is now coming back with her hair no longer tied up.This is not the true image of Janie as she is not trying to be a young woman. After all the life that Janie has experienced she keeps her hair down to show that she no longer cares what people in society think of her. But the image of her loose hair to the rest of her society is of a very ill-affected and foolish old woman. They want to see her as a married woman being infra the thumb of her husband and not as herself. Even though now Janie is trying to show her true identity the community wont accept that and is blinding themselves by only focusing on her hair to critique Janie in the way they want to think of her.The three authors use the imagery of bringing to the character to shape their false identity in the eyes of their family. One day in the store Joe gets frustrated with Janies poor job at cutting some baccy and insults her about her age. A woman stay round uh store till she get old as Methusalem and still cant cut a little thing like a batten down of tobacco (78). The image of Methuselah that Joe says to describe Janie is used to show how Joe and Eatonville see Janie when she is in the store. Methuselah is a man from the Bible that is known to be the oldest person to ever live. The allusion to this character is said by Joe to make Janie feel like she is so old that she is ancient. It insults Janie and her character, making her seem old and inefficient for not being able to cut a plug of tobacco after all the time she spends in the store. Eatonville after hearing what Joe has spoken of Janie can see her as an elderly woman who still cant do simple chores around the store.In a likewise manner Amanda says some harsh wrangling to Laura for dropping out of business college and hiding it from her. You did all this to deceive me, just for deception? We wont have a business career- weve given that up because it gave us nervous indigestion barely tolera ted spinsters sustenance upon the grudging patronage of sisters husband or brothers wife (93-94). In the same way Amandas image placed on Laura when she learns she dropped out of business college in secret is used by Williams to show that Amanda sees Laura as a weak girl with no identity to her. The image of Laura is that she is a fragile girl with little to no way to support herself having left the one hazard she had to make a future for herself. The imagery of Amandas words that Williams writes twists the picture of Laura into a thoughtless and self-loving girl, not thinking about anything but her own personal desires. But her identity is not as a thoughtless girl but as a shy and caring young woman.She is seen as continually concerned for her brother, but still throughout most of the play Amanda sees Laura as being just self involved. The false image of Laura as being self absorbed is implement by the imagery of Amandas harsh words about dropping out of business college. In o pposition to Janie and Laura, the pet names Torvald uses for Nora as scathe of endearment are actually very insulting terms to her. Is my little squirrel come home? The same little featherhead Come come my little skylark, (6-7). Comparably Torvalds words to Nora are suppose to be endearing but with the knowledge of what the animals are is used to paint an unflattering picture of Nora. Squirrels are animals with very small brains and that are generalized as being unintelligent. A featherhead isnt an animal, but it is implying that Noras head isnt change with a brain, but is instead filled with feathers. Nothing substantial that she can actually make her own thoughts with.Torvald with this term of endearment is suggesting that Nora doesnt have a brain but just feathers in her head. Furthermore a skylark is a bird that nests on the ground, then being easily destroyed and that are not very distinctive in coloring. This name makes Nora seem stark and foolish. With these pet names o f animals that are ordinary Torvald through the imagery of his words is insinuating that Nora is plain and not very bright. Torvald is also putting himself above Nora with his words. He is making it seem like he is the all important person of the house and that he is better than Nora because he is intelligent. Noras individuality is taken away from her with Torvald putting above himself and putting her in the background. Nora has no identity when she is with Torvald as he puts her so below himself that he doesnt believe she can be herself.Tennessee Williams, Henrik Ibsen, and Zora Neale Hurston use the imagery in their works associated with their lead females to portray how societys views of people is usually false and undermines their individuality. How people are viewed by what they wear, what they own, their past, and what people say to them is a simple way to miss a persons true identity. These generalized views are easily low-toned apart when evidence of peoples character is p ut forward, and this is what gets society into trouble. These three authors arent just writing literature, they are making a statement on how society works. Including how society is wrong and how generalizations about types of people need to be broken in the collective minds of the people so every person is seen as themselves and not as a stereotype. To give everyone their own voice without being prejudged by societys absurd expectations.

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